Thursday, March 20, 2014

Getting Creative With The Shower Caddy

Take a quick peek inside your bag and I’m pretty sure you’ll find a tangle of wires from your gadget chargers and earphones, random bottles of perfume, sanitizer and makeup and a few receipts here and there.  It would be good to note as well the small pile of coins gathering up at the nooks and crannies of your favorite rucksack.  Most of us are prone to throwing everything inside our bags or cabinets for the lack of time to keep some order given the busy dealings of everyday life.  Our rooms, our bags, our bathrooms could probably use a little help.

Yaelo Design Shower Caddy Pink

The shower caddy is a simple innovation that was probably only meant to separate the shampoo from the conditioner, the bath salt to the body wash.  Whoever invented it probably only wanted to solve his dilemma of knocking over different bottles or misplacing his soap during the morning rush.  Indeed, the bathroom caddy has helped prevent many an accident from shampoo spillages to soapy floors.

However, the shower caddies have also made its way outside of the shower into the disorderly places of our lives.  Some people use it as a bag organizer to keep from mixing up the contents of a large tote.  Others use it to store flats and sandals in the bedroom.  One creative use of the caddy that I’ve seen is a mail sorter hung on the wall so nobody forgets that there are bills to pay and messages to read.   Whatever use it has for you, I’m sure a shower caddy can help you keep things spic and span in just a flash.

New Age Skin Care: Derma Roller Skin Treatment

In this day and age of selfies and demanding online presence, skin care has been an intensive practice for both men and women alike.  While numerous apps in the market can turn dark skin to light and Photoshop can give you all the curves you can imagine, a great skin care regimen is still a winning habit that can take you places in the real world.  Skin care techniques have evolved vastly from the three-step rule of cleanse-exfoliate-moisturize to a wide range of light to intensive surgical procedures.  There seems to be now an answer to every skin problem imaginable.

One treatment rising in popularity now is the derma roller skin treatment.  It is the method employed in micro-needling wherein a handheld device with a rotating barrel of microneedles is rolled over problem areas to aid in cell proliferation.  It opens the pores of the skin and helps it produce more collagen and elastin to tone and improve skin elasticity.  Celebrity Angelina Jolie is one of the stars who opened up about the wonders of this treatment for her skin.

The derma roller skin care started out as a clinical procedure performed by certified professionals.  Now, derma rollers are available for purchase in the market with step by step instructions on how to do-it-yourself.  Factors to consider in getting into derma rolling are needle length and frequency of use.  It would be a great idea to consult first with a professional to avoid any mishaps.

Comfy Getaways With The Auto Sunshade For Side Windows

Going on random road trips is popular escape from the stresses of daily life.  Teenagers and adults alike share the happiness and freedom brought by the open roads leading to interesting places and new experiences.  It’s most popular for people on vacation or young professionals who are just enjoying the perks of earning their own dough.  The idea is simple—grab your keys, your iPod and your best friends and it’s off to who knows where, doing who knows what.

Since your car will be your most trusted companion in this road trip, it is wise to provide it with the care it needs when travelling under different conditions.  The auto sunshade for sidewindows is the perfect solution to keeping your travelling companions away from the heat even when in the backseat.  Most sunshades for windows are held in place by one or two suction cups depending on the range of coverage that you need.  Some car window sunshades are attached to the top of the car and the bottom panel of the window so that it stays intact when the windows are rolled down, letting air in and insects out.

Some people buy sunshades for all windows of the car to get some savings from the package.  Other than the side windows, one can also choose to purchase a windshield sunshade to keep the car cool when parked under the sun.  They help in ensuring that the ride is as cool as ever.  You can also put it up when you want to obscure what or who is inside the car and make your sweet escape as flawless as possible.

Power Inverters Bring The Light Outside Of The Home

Some activities are best done far from the hustle and bustle of the entire household.  Some people love to spend some quiet time in the backyard or getting their hands dirty in the workshop or the garage.  People who live beside the beach or by the lake have great opportunities to hold exciting outdoor activities like a luau, a mini-concert by the bonfire or a game or two with friends.  There simply are days when inner peace is much appreciated and fun and entertainment are just a stone’s throw away.

One big challenge for outdoor activities is the lack of conventional power outlets and the effort it takes to 50 feet of extension cords just to power up camping tools, household devices or entertainment systems.  Power inverters are the answer to the problem with their compact design and functionality.  A power inverter is an alternative source of energy that needs only to be connected to a vehicle battery to produce AC power required by common electrical tools or gadgets.  Unlike generators, inverters are easy to maintain and use.  It also provides greater peak power to jumpstart the powering of devices from the get-go.

Power inverters convert direct current from car batteries to alternating current.  Alternating current produces a higher voltage and can provide electricity for a longer period of time.  Devices may be plugged in directly to the inverter without having to go through the car’s cigarette lighter.  It is best to know the wattage of the power inverter so you’ll know how many devices it can be used for and how long it can run.  With a power inverter, the spending time outdoors is more enticing than ever!

Hassle-Free Summer Drive With An Auto Windshield Sunshade

One of the downsides of summer is prickly heat.  While it is always a great idea to go to the beach or spend the day outdoors, sometimes the thought of  stepping into the heat is enough to make us run back inside and blast up the air conditioner.  It is not just standing in the heat that makes our blood boil, it’s the act of driving under the extreme heat condition in a car that’s as hot as an oven.  Nobody wants to get sunburnt even before they get to the beach.  It’s not just passengers who are affected by the sun’s heat and glare.  Car interiors also deteriorate faster if not protected from harmful heat.

The auto windshield sunshade is a simple yet functional solution to keeping car interiors cool under the heat of the sun.  Windshield sunshades come in different kinds.  Some are foldable and retractable, easy to pop up the windshield and held together by suction cups.  Other kinds are designed to roll down and roll up a pre-installed fixture at the top of the car.  Car sunshades deflect the heat of the sun and protect dashboards from cracking or premature wear and tear.  

The auto windshield sunshade is essential for car owners so they don’t need to fear coming back to scorching leather seats or steering wheels.  It also saves them the trouble of waiting for heat to go out before getting into their cars.  Cars parked under the sun in a 90-degree Farenheit temperature can heat up to 110-degrees in just less than 10 minutes.  Too much heat can cause certain sickness like dehydration, high blood pressure and fatigue.  The car sunshade is cost-effective way of enjoying the drive without breaking a sweat.